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Lean consulting for Manufacturing

The main characteristic of the manufacturing industry is the large quantity of the same or identical products per unit at the time period.

Also, there is ON-DEMAND production where the manufacturing process produces a single product or small series of multiple products. 

The first challenge of the manufacturing industry is to increase production efficiency (increase the number of correct products within time). The second is how to align production with market needs with minimum stocks before, during and after the production process.

These two challenges can be, and often are, opposed.


Automobile manufacturing

To solve these challenges, two approaches to the organization of production have emerged.

1. Planned (MRP) model - Production of one product in large series.

The model focuses on increasing production efficiency by reducing "change-over" time, ie the time spent due to changing line settings to another product. The risks of this model are increased stock of finished products, greater impact of machine downtime on the delivery of all products and less customer satisfaction with delivery times. This model is sensitive to the occurrence of a "market crisis", stocks are sold "below" the price, and profitability is usually ensured by reducing the number of employees.

2. "Just in Time" model - Production of various products in small batches

This model focuses on the optimal relationship between market needs, production stocks and finished products, and production efficiency. Production of the required products in the quantity required by the market and at a time acceptable to the user. This model reduces inventories, reduces the impact of downtime on all products, increases customer satisfaction and ultimately reduces the impact of the "market crisis" on the company's profitability. The risk of this model is more time spent on "change-over", ie adjusting the line to another product due to small series of products.

Our offer

Based on the recognition of the client's market environment and risk recognition, our range of services includes:

1. Improvements to the existing production model (1st or 2nd)

  • Reducing inventories, optimizing the layout of the production line, increasing the availability of machines and tools, improving production planning, improving workplace efficiency and work culture

2. Transition from MRP to Just In Time model (from model 1 to model 2.)

  • Creating business frameworks for transition (standardization, operational routines, standardization of job positions, contracts with suppliers), training of managers for change; Establishment of control of profitability and efficiency; establishment of JiT information flow and control of all processes / Kanban; production planning - monthly, weekly and daily; standard and process optimization - Continuous improvement / Kaizen

3. Improving the Just In Time model

  • Improving the JiT model by introducing new process automation and operating procedures for each MPC; improving the quality and efficiency of each MPC 5S, Poka Yoke, Sojinka and other JiT methods; integration with external partners and introduction of e-KANBAN and e-ANDON systems in the value chain; Risk reduction and supervision of the entire value chain including external partners (MPC); Other measures to achieve Just On Time as the ultimate goal.

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